
The kitten is fragile
the kitten is weak
it has barely moved,
it maybe dying as I speak

It wouldn’t eat anything,
it really looks hurt
I just found the poor thing
outside lying in dirt

But I wish it’s a lil’ better now,
all wrapped up in a warm shirt

Right now it’s all messy
and it makes me uneasy
to look

Not because it isn’t a pretty sight,
but because it’s fragile
and it would break me
if it didn’t survive the night

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Nothing To Be Really Sad About

the problem with me
is that although
I'm an artist
im too responsible
to be dangerous
too fortunate
to be tragic
too friendly
to be mysterious
no drugs, no alcohol
dark music
slashed wrists
I'm smart
and positive enough
not to hate the world
so although im creative
i'm not attractive
to that smart angsty girl
with a death wish

the problem with me
is that although
I'd like to think of myself
as a business minded
I'm too funny
to be taken seriously
too nice
to be an authority
I don't look proper
in preppy clothes
And as hardworking
as I am sincere
I still cant seem to
have a skyrocket career.

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I'd like us
to ride a roller coaster
Go forward fast,
fear for our lives & squeal
Then we'll catch our breath
reflect on life
and recite poems
on board a sissy Ferris wheel

Lets get on that
twirly whirly ride
that will spin us dizzy
and make us pale
I'll vomit my breakfast
while you checkout
cheap souvenirs for sale

We'll get on bump cars
and safely collide
even hold hands
on a silly swan ride
I'll take the green unicorn
you'll take the rainbow pony
i'll kiss you on the carousel
then you'll look at me funny

"Electric pistachio"
"Very vain vanilla"
We'll share
wonky ice cream flavors
when we sit down
Then I want to have
our picture taken
beside pink poodles
a red balloon
& head standing clown

And just before the sun sets
with ice cream stains on our shirts
I'll hug you & in a whisper I'll say
"well that was fun day
& the greatest thing about it
was that I was with you...hurray!"

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Them Worn out Chuck Taylors

His socks were always loose
(the garters had no power)
His hair was host
to 43 species of lice
And he always smelled
kinda sour

His nails were always dirty
and his shoes were so old
(He has worn them for five years
I've been told)
Edwin his pet,
was a sentient mold

But he played great music
that much can be said
He could have been a rockstar
but he drank amonia instead
he skipped the fame part
& went straight to being dead

You want to say
that what he did was stupid
but you never really
knew his pains
Just that he was fun
to talk to
& that his shirt
always had paint stains

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Simple Life

Lets forget about
the stock market
or ruling the world
for the meanwhile
and apreciate
a glass of cold water
soft pillows
and a pleasant smile

Let's be amazed
with the fact
that the yellow sun rises
and not fuss about
promotions, 3 day sales
and winning Nobel prizes

Let's not worry
where the human race is headed
or if you will pass
tommorows test
We can't win the universe
some times "good enough"
is better than "best"

Stop chasing for that
millionaire husband
or beauty queen wife
talk to your dog
buy ice cream
eat cake
and see the sparkle
in a simple kind of life

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